John Fleming (I)
- Journalist
Press clippings Page 18
Borehamwood comedy club opens in an ideal location
This Saturday, comic Philip Simon is opening the Borehamwood Comedy Club in the local Council-owned 96 venue, right slap-bang in the middle of the high street.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 21st November 2017David Mills interview
So I had a chat with David Mills, the American comic who lives in London, and we had trouble getting fully on-subject.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 16th November 2017Joe Wells doesn't know what he thinks, but end is nigh
Comedian Joe Wells has just released two CDs - of his two latest Edinburgh Fringe shows - 10 Things I Hate about UKIP and I Hope I Die Before I Start Voting Conservative. When I met him at the Soho Theatre Bar in London, he showed me his arm.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 14th November 2017Confusing times for Xmas but not for Paul Kerensa
He has just written Hark! The Biography of Christmas.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 17th October 2017A fancy man at the Fringe confused by English language
Katsura Sunshine lives half his year in Tokyo and half in Camden Town in London. He always wears a kimono in the street and, usually, a bowler hat.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 10th October 2017Art of political war compared to a comedy club & Disney
A comedian I know was recently asked about the possibility of appearing in the UK-produced comedy series which Russian TV station RT is apparently planning to screen next year. He said he would not appear on RT, which is financed by the Russian government. I think he was wrong. All publicity is good publicity and, if he is allowed control over his own material, I see no real problem.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 2nd October 2017How to perform comedy to an audience with dementia
So I chatted to comedy performers Pope Lonergan and Ben Targét... "The two of you have this joint project," I said. "Does it have a name?"
"At the moment," Pope told me, "it just has the banner title of The Care Home Tour. One thing we are doing is a three-hour Alzheimer's benefit Forgetting But Not Forgotten, organised with Angel Comedy at the Bill Murray in London on 2nd October. Lots of different comedians."
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 14th September 2017How to build a career in comedy
I think one thing is to have a very specific three-year or five-year aim. And, indeed, ten and twenty year aim.
John Fleming's Blog, 13th September 2017The Comedy Cafe re-opens in London and Oslo
Yesterday, I talked to comedy club owner Noel Faulkner via FaceTime. It was raining heavily. He couldn't be bothered to go out. I did not blame him. I was getting drenched coming back from Iceland. The supermarket, not the country.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 9th September 2017Physical effects of the Fringe on comics a week later
I got home from four weeks at the Edinburgh Fringe exactly a week ago. The Fringe runs for 3½ weeks.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 5th September 2017