John Fleming (I)
- Journalist
Press clippings Page 17
Louise Reay, her husband & destructiveness of publicity
Last Friday, I blogged about Louise Reay being sued by her estranged husband over an Edinburgh show which, let's face it - Louise is good, but - only a small number of people had ever seen. On Saturday, the Chortle comedy website picked up the story. On Monday, the Guardian newspaper was reporting it. On Tuesday morning, it was on Channel 5. By Tuesday teatime, it was on the BBC World Service. By this morning - Wednesday - on a very superficial search (excluding blogs and social media mentions) these outlets (listed alphabetically) had reported the story.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 21st February 2018Becky Fury proposes marriage while chatting to me
Yesterday's blog was about my first stage appearance at Martyn Sadler's new comedy club in East London. Malcolm Hardee Award-winning comedian Becky Fury had performed there a month before - on its opening night. I had tea with her at a branch of Pret a Manger yesterday afternoon. I thought we were going to talk about the new club - and we started on that - but then the subject changed unexpectedly.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 19th February 2018Noel Faulkner reviews John Fleming's first performance
Last Wednesday night I took to the stage for the first time. I appeared doing a 10-minute spot in a Valentine's Night special at Martyn Sadler's new comedy club in East London. It was, perhaps, a rather rowdier audience than I would have preferred. But, sitting in the audience, was comedy promoter Noel Faulkner, who founded the Comedy Cafe - now at its new venue in Shoreditch. He was kind enough to share this review of my act via social media the next day.
Noel Faulkner, John Fleming's Blog, 18th February 2018Louise Reay is being sued over a show about free speech
She is being sued by her estranged husband because he objected to what he claims was in her Hard Mode show.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 16th February 2018Akin Omobitan: How do you get into storyteling comedy?
Akin Omobitan has been performing comedy for less than two years. He performed his first gig in April 2016. It is now January 2018. He has been a finalist in the Leicester Square Theatre New Comedian of the Year contest, a semi-finalist in the prestigious So You Think You're Funny contest and been a Comedy Virgins' Max Turner Prize winner. So I had a chat with him.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 12th January 2018BBC re-writes history by faking Eric & Ernie's story
ATV/ITV made them mega TV successes and household names with Two of a Kind (1961-1968, written by Sid Green & Dick Hills) and that TV success was 'bought' by the BBC who offered them much more money and then made their shows 1968-1977 (written by Eddie Braben). The BBC bought them because they were already ratings successes and they built on that.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 29th December 2017How to think up a title for your very first Fringe show
First of all, think of it not from your viewpoint but from the viewpoint of the punters and the reviewers. In my opinion, you should have a title which starts in the first half of the alphabet.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 20th December 2017Interview: Phil Jarvis of Consignia
Last Sunday, I went to Lottie Bowater's Depresstival event at The Others venue in Stoke Newington to chat to Phil Jarvis of Consignia about a gig they are performing this coming Sunday at the Bill Murray venue in Islington.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 12th December 2017Matt Roper + the first panto in New York for 100 years
"So," I said to British performer Matt Roper in New York, "Have you ever done a pantomime before?" We were speaking via FaceTime, obviously. "Years ago," he told me, "as a 20-year-old I was in Mother Goose at the Theatre Royal, St Helens, with 'Olive' from On The Buses. Anna Karen. She was great! What a woman! She was a Soho stripper in the 1960s in London. She was deported from South Africa in the Apartheid years. She was a puppeteer at a theatre in Johannesburg and gave a private puppet show to a bunch of black kids and she was deported."
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 7th December 2017Becky Fury WON'T tell me things, WILL give a discount
Someone said to me the other week: "Becky Fury seems to know everybody." I had to agree.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 29th November 2017