John Fleming (I)
- Journalist
Press clippings Page 12
Noel Faulkner: outspoken comedy club owner quits London
Outspoken Noel Faulkner, the veteran club-owner is leaving London after about 40 years. He started and ran London's Comedy Cafe venue and, through his management agency, helped establish acts including Jimmy Carr. Last night, I met up with him to ask why he is leaving.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 17th June 2019Stand-ups, death & fame: Who will be remembered & why?
Yesterday, I was talking to someone about reviving the Malcolm Hardee Comedy Awards - I would not be involved in them. Of course, few people have ever heard of Malcolm Hardee. Fame, as they say, is a fickle mistress. In the UK, who were the biggest and most-loved comedians of the late-20th Century?
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 8th June 2019BGT didn't tell you this about Ursula Burns last night
Britain's Got Talent has to appeal to a mainstream audience, but that doesn't explain why they had to blandify 'Dangerous Harpist' Ursula Burns in the live Simi-Final last night. Most of her YouTube videos are currently blocked lest BGT viewers see them.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 31st May 2019A look at David McGillivray's autobiography
If you are in it, be afraid... be very afraid.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 24th May 2019Good advice for Fringe performers for any year
After yesterday's blog, I got an email from a comedy performer I know. It read: "I am finally getting on with the job of writing my show after making reams of notes for months. Hopefully two months gives me enough time to write and learn it, though I intend the thing to be shaped up in Edinburgh more than here in isolation". The Edinburgh Fringe is in August. This was my advice to him, her or them. Who knows what the correct PC form of address is any more? Not me.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 22nd May 2019Advice to stand-ups: how not to mess up their stage act
I am not a performer. I am an audience member. So I am well-placed to tell stand-up comics when they are annoying the audience and destroying their own act.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 20th May 2019John Dowie on his death, dentists and other Dowies...
So I had a blog chat with poet/comedian/writer John Dowie. I was going to the dentist. We arranged to meet when I was finished. "You might as well come to the dentist in case he's over-running," I suggested. "Charming as your dentist's waiting room undoubtedly is," John Dowie replied, "I will be in this pub down the road." And he was.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 30th April 2019Matt Price is having conversations with criminals
In 2013, I posted a blog in which comedian Matt Price talked about the violent physical attack in 2007 on his partner, comedian Martha McBrier, by four or five men in Glasgow. The attack permanently damaged her hearing. He is still together with Martha and, now based in London, he has started a weekly podcast - released every Sunday - called Conversations with Criminals.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 22nd April 2019Eric (just Eric) pays tribute to Ian Cognito
In the previous blog here, Becky Fury remembered Ian Cognito, who died while performing on stage last week. Now fellow comedian Eric (Just Eric) adds his own tribute...
Eric, John Fleming's Blog, 15th April 2019RIP Ian Cognito, dangerous comic & great opera singer
He actually died on stage, the mad bastard, and people thought he was pretending but he was actually dead. The compere came on and went to prod him as he thought he was joking but he was actually dead. Fuck me, that's hilarious.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 13th April 2019