British Comedy Guide
Jessica Fostekew
Jessica Fostekew

Jessica Fostekew

  • 41 years old
  • English
  • Actor, writer, director and stand-up comedian

Press clippings Page 11

Who is the unsung hero of the Fringe and why?

Some people are just about to get a little less unsung...

Chortle, 25th August 2017

What one thing would you change about the Fringe?

Comedians' plans to revamp Edinburgh.

Chortle, 23rd August 2017

What gets you through Edinburgh's toughest days?

Comedians on how to de-stress.

Chortle, 21st August 2017

Fringesider #5: the Fringe through a feminist lense

Feminist theatre recommendations, performers from The Guilty Feminist podcast and comedy showcases with more than one female.

Rowena McIntosh, The List, 18th August 2017

What's the most drunk you've been at the Fringe?

Comedians try to remember what they can...

Chortle, 10th August 2017

What's the worst Fringe review you ever had?

Edinburgh comedians share their pain.

Chortle, 5th August 2017

Fringe 2017: Top acts choose their comedy picks

Comedy stars pick their favourites.

Alice Jones, i Newspaper, 2nd August 2017

Jessica Fostekew on Voyaging into Choppy Waters

As Jessica Fostekew cruises into The Caves with a story about a maritime misadventure, she writes how heavenly idealism can turn into a horror story...

Jessica Fostekew, The Skinny, 31st July 2017

Seven Edinburgh survival tips from Fringe performers

Here is your Edinburgh Fringe survival guide so don't panic.

Samantha Baines, The Huffington Post, 31st July 2017

Performers confess their filthiest sexcapades

I've invited artists from the Fringe to confess their dirtiest/smutiest/slightly grubbiest stories of sex and subversion. In exchange, I actively encourage you to see their shows - which will bear no relation to the smut I'm peddling out for your perverted pleasure.

Miranda Kane, Metro, 26th July 2017

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