Jen Brister
- Writer, stand-up comedian and actor
Jen Brister features
Pictures of comedians as kids
Thursday 12th November 2020
Take a look at this set of brilliant pictures of comedians when they were little.
Objectively Funny Festival 2019 preview
Friday 13th September 2019
London's Objectively Funny Festival is now firmly established as the first major stop-off for comedians after the Edinburgh Fringe. Here's a look at some of the comedians performing at the festival this year.
NextUp teams up with Soho Theatre
Wednesday 11th September 2019
Steaming service NextUp has teamed up with Soho Theatre to film and distribute a series of live comedy specials recorded at the London venue.
Best-reviewed Edinburgh Fringe shows 2019
Thursday 5th September 2019
A list of the best-reviewed comedy shows at the 2019 Edinburgh Festival Fringe.
Edinburgh rules
Monday 12th August 2019
Many performers set themselves Edinburgh rules, like not drinking for the month. We asked this year's Fringers what theirs are.
Wit and Wisdom: The Comics of Standon Calling 2019
Thursday 18th July 2019
Standon Calling is coming, so we've raided the British Comedy Guide archives and plucked some pearls of wisdom from this year's comedy line-up.
First Gig, Worst Gig: Jen Brister
Thursday 8th November 2018
She's playing the Knebworth Winter Festival's Friday night comedy bonanza - but will any of Jen Brister's recent material actually be appropriate?
Best-reviewed Edinburgh Fringe shows 2018
Friday 31st August 2018
A list of the best-reviewed comedy shows at the 2018 Edinburgh Festival Fringe.
Fringe Q&A: Weird dreams
Thursday 9th August 2018
What do performers dream about when they go to bed. We asked some comedians 'What's the weirdest dream you've ever had?'.
Fringe Q&A: The worst thing you've done at a festival?
Sunday 5th August 2018
We asked some of the people who are performing shows at the Edinburgh Fringe what the worst thing they've ever done at a festival is. Brace yourself for some of these answers....
Fringe Q&A: What do your parents think?
Monday 30th July 2018
We asked some of the comedians heading up to the Fringe how many times their parents have seen them perform. Some acts have very supportive mums and dads it would appear... but not everyone in this list can say that.