Press clippings Page 32
Jason Manford corrals a slew of stand-up comedians into taking a wry, sideways look at the past 12 months. Recorded in front of a live studio audience a couple of weeks ago, Manford and his fellow comics draw on the best, the worst and the weirdest things that happened in 2012. Much of the material comes from the showpiece events that supposedly brought the whole country together: the Diamond Jubilee, the Olympics and the Paralympics.
If the air of positivity around those galas means they don't turn out to be the fertile comic ground the comics would hope for, there's good mileage in this year's nonstop rain, and in such unforeseen cultural phenomena as Gangnam Style by Korean internet star Psy.
Jack Seale, Radio Times, 31st December 2012Sharon Horgan's effort was the pick of Sky1's latest lot of Little Crackers but honourable mentions must go to Paul O'Grady and Jason Manford.
It was great to see O'Grady back as Lily Savage, while Manford was very brave basing his tale on his own teenage circumcision.
He even got to dress up as a big-breasted blonde nurse. So maybe all that business on Skype was for research after all.
Ian Hyland, Daily Mail, 22nd December 2012Tonight's first frolic down celebrity lane features a first-love story in hospital. A 12-year-old Jason Manford (Ellis Hollins) attracts female attention while waiting for what he tells them is a brain op (in fact a circumcision). Manford himself plays the boy's father, surgeon and nurse, inviting comparisons with Peter Kay.
The second features the stand-up career born of a terrible one-man show about Al Pacino. Omid Djalili recalls how a tobacconist changed his life, and how he literally fell into comedy. Former EastEnder Ashley Kumar plays the 22-year-old Djalili as an aspiring actor trying to break out of overearnest-theatre-group hell. Fun and sweet-natured if sprinkled with cringe.
Mark Braxton, Radio Times, 18th December 2012A 12-year-old boy finds love on the eve of his circumcision. A failing young actor changes tack after a violent confrontation with the police. Yes, it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas on Sky1, as tradition-in-the-making Little Crackers approaches the end of its third run of autobiographical comedy shorts. Jason Manford opens with the aforementioned tale of love and gross (and it really is gross) physical loss, helming a charming vignette that will warm the cockles of your heart. At 9.30pm, Omid Djalili tells a comforting and true tale of failure, involving a shambolic one-man show and a formative brush with the law. Shaky directorial debuts abound, at times to the point of distraction. But an amateurish wrapping job will always come second to what's inside it.
Nick Aveling, Time Out, 18th December 2012After the success of Chris O'Dowd's Moone Boy and Kathy Burke's Walking And Talking it was hard not to expect big things from Sky1's latest lot of Little Crackers.
But I can't see any of this year's first batch making it to a full series. Joanna Lumley's much-hyped look back at her early modelling days was particularly uninspiring. But with efforts from the likes of Paul O'Grady, Sharon Horgan and Jason Manford still to come this week perhaps we shouldn't give up all hope just yet.
Ian Hyland, Daily Mail, 15th December 2012Jason Manford announces UK tour for 2013...
Jason Manford has announced details of a mammoth 113-night tour of the UK.
Andrew Dipper, Giggle Beats, 18th September 2012Channel 4 has acreated a band new panel game, hosted by former Doctor Who star David Tennant.
The idea of Comedy World Cup is an interesting one, as the theme of the show is comedy itself. It's a team game, with different teams each episode, consisting of one current comedy star as captain, with a younger comic and a veteran. This week, Captain Jo Brand with Dave Spikey and Shappi Khorsandi, played against Jason Manford, who lead alongside Paul Chowdhry and Nicholas Parsons.
The episode lasted an hour, which some might seem as being excessive for a panel game - but I disagree. For starters, it still isn't the longest panel show in terms of episode length, as that title goes to The Big Fat Quiz of the Year (not counting David Walliams and his 24-hour long panel show marathon for Comic Relief). You also have the ad breaks too, so the show is broken down a bit. Put it this way; an extended repeat of HIGNFY or QI is between 40-45 minutes long. Comedy World Cup is 45 minutes long, plus 15 minutes of advertising during which you can make a cup of tea. So it's nothing new. Some might say it's an improvement to have a break in the middle.
The show consisted of seven rounds, many of them reminding me of other panel shows and game shows. For example there a "What happens next?" round (see A Question of Sport), and one where children act out stand-up routines (see The Big Fat Quiz where they get kids to act out news stories).
Now, I admit that this show wasnt 'the funniest panel show I've seen. But to me, this isn't the point. For someone like me who is really into their comedy, it's like a pub quiz themed especially for me - and if you're a comedy buff then this is the show for you. But it's best watched with other like-minded people to see who really is more knowledgeable on these matters...
Ian Wolf, Giggle Beats, 17th September 2012Before the arrival of his guests tonight, the affable Welsh comic warms up his audience with his usual display of sharp wit and natural charm. Apart from some mischievous exchanges with his studio audience, including a mock-earnest argument with several of its members, there is little that differentiates this show's format from rival entertainment programmes. But the amusing, fast-paced interplay between this evening's chosen guests - Ronan Keating, Jason Manford and Neil Morrissey - proves engaging. The incorporation of live music is a fail-safe formula, although whether Brydon's singing voice adds much magic to the blend is debatable.
The Telegraph, 4th September 2012The beauty of Rob Brydon as a chat show host is that without seemingly trying too hard or forcing the pace he manages to put a smile on your face. And boy, can he play a crowd. Even before his guests have arrived tonight, he picks a comedy argument with a woman in the audience who is in a wheelchair, and it comes across as sharp, good-natured - and very funny.
Then the revolving bookcase delivers Ronan Keating, Jason Manford and Neil Morrissey by turns, and once they're all on the leather sofa the chemistry works a treat. Plus, of course, everybody gets to sing.
David Butcher, Radio Times, 4th September 2012Jason Manford: Internet idiots
Now you know me, I like a laugh. And I do enjoy having a laugh with you lot on here, some of you are witty, some genuinely bonkers, a few of you are dead funny and most of you are respectful, thoughtful human beings and I am honoured that you have liked my page and my work over the years. But. Some of you are utterly horrendous.
Jason Manford, 15th August 2012