British Comedy Guide
The Art Of Monstrous Men. Rupert Flaxen (James Hamilton)
James Hamilton

James Hamilton (I)

  • Actor, writer, producer and comedian

Video clips

When Brands Get Woke

From Iceland to Gillette, more and more brands these days are hitching their wagons to important social issues... but what do they REALLY care about?

Brum - 2019 Reboot

"The law were written for men... it were never written for cars." Casual Violence parody Brum, the beloved show from their childhoods.

Head Over Feels

Casual Violence say: "This is a sketch for everyone whose brain has ruined every nice thing they've ever had!"

The Seagull Who Couldn't Sing

A bedtime story all about believing in yourself and following your dreams, read by a famous actor.

Prior Engagement

Ever made this kind of commitment to someone?

Gruel advert

Find having to buy, prep, cook and eat meals a chore? Want to cut one of life's few remaining pleasures out of your daily routine? Our nutrition experts have the solution!

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