James Cary - Writing That Sitcom
Writing That Sitcom is part handbook, part pep-talk, part intervention, helping you get your sitcom idea from your head and into the script. Working through developing characters and stories that jump off the page, Writing That Sitcom is a step-by-step guide which includes advice on generating ideas, writing original dialogue and editing your draft so that the script makes maximum impact when it's pulled of a pile by a jaded but desperate development producer.
Crammed with plenty of practical and realistic suggestions, as well as chapters on writing for children and radio, this book is bursting with realistic advice from someone who's actually been there and done it plenty of times.
James Cary, writer of the popular Sitcom Geek blog, has co-written episodes of Miranda, Bluestone 42 and Another Case Of Milton Jones. He has created sitcoms for BBC Radio 4, including Hut 33, Think The Unthinkable, and written episodes of existing sitcoms like My Family and My Hero.
"This seems a good moment to confess that many of the funniest things I've said on radio have been written by James Cary." - Milton Jones
First published: Monday 13th July 2015
- Download: 1.93mb
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