James Barr
- Stand-up comedian
Press clippings Page 3
Interview with James Barr
"I've always wanted attention, as a kid I even pretended to be a stripper for my Mum and her friend Paula. So awks."
Tom Inniss, Voice Magazine, 28th July 2019What's your favourite cheese?
A stupid question.
Chortle, 23rd July 2019James Barr Q&A
James Barr is best known as the star of applauded podcast A Gay and a Non-Gay (which is also playing Edinburgh for the last week of the Fringe).
Natalie O'Donoghue, Broadway World, 23rd July 2019My favourite comedian by James Barr
He tells us about his favourite comedian Stephen Bailey and why gay comedians should support one another.
James Barr, Female First, 21st July 2019James Barr brings his debut show to Edinburgh
The elusive One is out there waiting to be found. You deserve them. They are so special they'd fight dragons, climb towers and die for you if they had to.
Broadway World, 1st July 2019A piggy interview with James Barr
James Barr interview.
Wrigley Worm, FringePig, 21st June 2018