Video clips
Take a trip into the basement of Geoff's mind. Safety gear recommended.
Sexist Prat
We are all feminists these days, right? Not so. Lurking under the surface in many a person you will find all sorts of prejudices and sexist attitudes. Do you believe misogyny and sexism are something from the past? Think again!
The Easiest Way to Make a Pension
Is it practical? Yes. Is it legal? No. Who would suspect these innocent looking pensioners would be capable of robbing a bank?!
When you are desperate for a job
Are you desperate for a job? With the situation nowadays, it's becoming harder and harder to find a good job, not even good but a job. And sometimes it's time to take the first chance you have... even if it's a bit of an unconventional job.
What ever happened to nineties TV gunge?
In 1995, TV presenter Craig bought ALL of TV's gunge. Today, his risky investment has landed him in hot water with the wife; can Dave Benson Phillips help him get rid of 50,000 barrels?
Rushed to hospital with FOMO
Can you die from FOMO? Holly has one of the worse cases of Fear Of Missing Out and needs 50cc of attention stat.