Hugh Laurie
- 65 years old
- English
- Actor and writer
Video clips
Blackadder - Prince George
Pitt the Younger arrives at the palace to confront the Prince.
The Secret Policeman's Ball - Stephen Fry introduces 'The Hedge'
Stephen Fry introduces 'The Hedge', one of the sketches Fry & Laurie performed at The Secret Policeman's Ball.
A Bit of Fry & Laurie: Australian Soap
Fry & Laurie parody Australian soap operas.
Blackadder - The Final Scenes
The moving final scenes of Blackadder Goes Forth. As Captain Blackadder and his comrades prepare to go 'over the top' to meet certain death, the show's rapid gag rate slows... and then stops.
A Bit Of Fry & Laurie - How to deal with Trick or Treaters
Stephen and Hugh show us the right way and the wrong way to deal with trick of treaters.
A Bit Of Fry & Laurie - It's a Soaraway Life
What would the world have been like if Rupert Murdoch had never been born?