The Firm, Part 4: an attempt at a Doctor Who novel by Young Howard - for the New Adventures series - in which Doctor Who and Ace encounter a mysterious...
The Firm, Part 3: an attempt at a Doctor Who novel by Young Howard - for the New Adventures series - in which Doctor Who and Ace encounter a mysterious...
The Firm, Part 2: an attempt at a Doctor Who novel by Young Howard - for the New Adventures series - in which Doctor Who and Ace encounter a mysterious...
An attempt at a Doctor Who novel by Young Howard - for the New Adventures series - in which Doctor Who and Ace encounter a mysterious organisation known as the...
The final part of Revenge of the Living-Dead Went-the-Wrong-Way Humanoid Mole People. 12-year-old Howard's epic fantasy adventure - starring God, Satan, Erick Jenkins, and a lot of Living-Dead Went-the-Wrong-Way Humanoid...
Revenge of the Living-Dead Went-the-Wrong-Way Humanoid Mole People. 12-year-old Howard's epic fantasy adventure - starring God, Satan, Erick Jenkins, and a lot of Living-Dead Went-the-Wrong-Way Humanoid Mole People.