Henry Widdicombe
- Producer, stand-up comedian, promoter, executive producer and writer
Video clips
Under The Tweets - Ed Easton
Ed Easton isn't known for being a prolific tweeter, and mostly lives a quiet life offline - but what was his classic viral tweet that landed him on this chat show from Stuart Laws, Henry Widdicombe and Doc Viral?
Under The Tweets - Ruth Husko
Ruth Husko (@dank_ackroyd) is a Twitter sensation, potentially the first professional tweeter to feature on the show - let's find out what motivates her.
Under The Tweets - Chloe Petts
Chloe Petts takes time out from being an incredible stand-up comedian to delve into the history of her tweets, tweeting and Twitter.
Under The Tweets - Jordan Brookes
Jordan Brookes talks about his Twitter timeline.
Under The Tweets - Rose Johnson
Rose Johnson joins the chat show which asks tweeters what their inspiration and process is, and why they're so drawn to Twitter.
Under The Tweets - Sunil Patel
Tweets - how do they get written? Sunil Patel is the guest in this episode.