British Comedy Guide

H.E. Bates

  • English
  • Writer

H.E. Bates - The Darling Buds Of May

H.E. Bates - The Darling Buds Of May
By H.E. Bates

"Home looks nice. Allus does though, don't it? Perfick."

And so the Larkins - Pop, Ma, Mariette, Zinnia, Petunia, Primrose, Victoria and Montgomery - return from an outing for fish and chips and ice cream one May evening. There, amid the rustic charms of home, they discover a visitor: one Cedric Charlton, Her Majesty's inspector of taxes.

Mr Charlton is visiting to find out why junk-dealer Pop hasn't paid his tax - but nothing's that simple at the Larkins'. Mariette takes a shine to 'Charley' - as Pop calls him - and before long the family have introduced the uncomplaining inspector to the delights of country living: the lusty scents of wild flowers, the pleasures of a bottle of Dragon's Blood, cold cream dribbled over a bowl of strawberries and hot, hot summer nights.

In fact, soon Charley can't see any reason to return to the office at all...

First published: Monday 1st December 1958

  • Published: Thursday 14th October 2021
  • Publisher: Penguin Books
  • Pages: 144
  • Catalogue: 9781405952279

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  • Published: Thursday 30th November 2006
  • Publisher: Penguin Books
  • Download: 4.92mb

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