Video clips
Taskmaster - Outtake: Alex Horne grammar checks Greg Davies
Little Alex Horne feels brave and corrects Taskmaster, Greg Davies' grammar.
Taskmaster - Outtake: Alex Horne's blood curdling scream
Alice Levine asks Alex Horne to do his best scream over her wheelbarrow stunt. Let's see how he gets on...
Taskmaster - Wheelbarrow stunts
Alex Horne makes quite the entrance with a wheelbarrow, setting the task of performing the best stunt using said wheelbarrow.
Taskmaster - Russell Howard & Asim Chaudhry's lemon tower
In this clip, Russell Howard and Asim Chaudhry take on the task of building the tallest tower of lemons. Find out who is simply the zest.
Greg Davies: You Magnificent Beast - Trailer
Three letters that Greg Davies absolutely doesn't acknowledge: T-M-I.
Taskmaster - Make a mess and clean it up
Bob and Josh try to make the biggest mess, and then clean it all up again, all in 10 minutes.