Video clips
Taskmaster - Ed and Rose hide aubergines from Alex
Find the aubergine! The tables have turned and its little Alex Horne's turn to do a task as Rose Matafeo and Ed Gamble hide 3 aubergines from him.
Taskmaster - Outtake: Alex Horne can't shout
In this extended version of what was seen on TV, Greg Davies makes fun of Alex for not being able to shout.
Taskmaster - Outtake - Drunk on miniatures
Greg Davies has a story about his friends mum who drank all his miniature bottles of alcohol.
Taskmaster - Joe Thomas finally loses it
Joe Thomas has been holding back all series, and now he finally loses it...
Taskmaster - Make the most tremendous legs
In this clip from the series 8 finale, Joe Thomas gets a little tired as he tries to make a pair of tremendous legs. Meanwhile, Paul Sinha underestimates the size of a childs pool cue.
Taskmaster - Outtake: Iain Stirling pronounces sandwich wrongly
Iain Stirling has realised he's being sandwich wrong his whole life, and pronouncing it 'sangwich'.