Terry Jones statue campaign reaches target

The campaign to raise a statue of Terry Jones in his seaside hometown of Colwyn Bay has hit its £120,000 target.
The A Python on the Prom GoFundMe campaign was launched on 5th September by Michael Palin and Terry Gilliam, who visited the seaside resort to announce plans to raise a bronze statue of their friend and fellow Monty Python member, on the town's promenade.
Suzy Eddie Izzard, a longtime Python fan, has just given a donation which has now taken the appeal past its total of £120,000. Izzard has appeared onstage with the Pythons on several occasions and on hearing of Terry's death in 2020 said: "The Pythons changed the face of world comedy - they just did, you can't get around that. And Terry was the guardian of the Python spirit."
The campaign has commissioned Llandudno artist Nick Elphick to undertake the design and he has been working on getting Terry's likeness whilst donations were coming in. Now the funding is confirmed, Nick will start working on the final design. Although the pose is still under wraps, the campaign team will be making a special announcement about it in the near future, it is hoped the statue will be unveiled in Spring 2026.

Sally Jones, Terry's daughter, who is leading A Python On The Prom fundraiser with her brother Bill and the Conwy Arts Trust, supported by Conwy County Borough Council, says: "I am absolutely stunned that we've hit our target and want to thank everyone who has made a donation or bought a campaign t-shirt. We have had donations from all over the world and everyone has been so overwhelmingly positive about having a statue of my old dad. Just like me, I am sure he would have been blown away by the response.
"We have more than enough to pay for all aspects of raising a statue of dad but we don't want to stop there, we would really love people to carry on giving and from this point on all donations will be split between the Conwy Arts Trust and The National Brain Appeal.
"Both of these UK registered charities were dear to dad's heart and provide extraordinary life changing services to so many across North Wales and the rest of the UK.
"We want to make sure that dad's statue has a significant lasting legacy not only bringing visitors to North Wales but helping local people build a life in the arts and providing vital support for those with dementia and their families.
"With over 1400 donations from all over the world, people are giving whatever they can spare and overwhelmingly telling us that they loved dad and want to be able to share in celebrating his life."

Dilwyn Price, Chair of the Conwy Arts Trust, comments: "On behalf of Conwy Arts Trust, I am so happy to see that the target has been achieved and that, before too long, we will have a wonderful fitting tribute to Terry Jones, an amazing entertainer whose Welsh roots will be truly celebrated in his hometown. A warm welcome will await you when you visit to see his statue on our promenade in Bae Colwyn in 2026. Thank you all for your generous contributions."
Sarah Ecob, Head of Economy and Culture at Conwy County Borough Council, adds: "Terry was a much loved Patron of Theatr Colwyn and we are incredibly proud to be part of this project to honour him. Our cultural strategy highlights the importance of supporting projects that are adventurous, playful and connected to communities and this certainly fits this bill.
"We are looking forward to people sitting with Terry and taking their photo with him whilst enjoying time on our beautiful beach and in the town Terry loved so much. Thank you to everyone who has donated so generously, making this fun and lasting commemoration possible."
You can donate to the appeal at gofundme.com/terryjonesstatue and get the official t-shirts and tote bags at teelmill.com