British Comedy Guide
Fred MacAulay
Fred MacAulay

Fred MacAulay

  • 68 years old
  • Scottish
  • Stand-up comedian

Press clippings

CyberScotland Week partners with Fred MacAulay for online safety campaign

The campaign, called DIGI Ken? in partnership with comedian Fred MacAulay, aims to raise awareness of common mistakes people make in relation to their passwords, backing up data and using a password manager.

Graham Turner, Digit News, 14th February 2024

Edinburgh's Ho Ho Hogmanay review

In spite of sharing a bill with some seasoned performers, Larry Dean turned out to be the crowd-pleasing hit of this Hogmanay comedy show.

Jay Richardson, The Scotsman, 2nd January 2024

Comics rally round Raymond Mearns after his stroke

Frankie Boyle and other Scottish stand-up stars are hosting a major fundraiser for comic Raymond Mearns who suffered a stroke last week.

Chortle, 9th August 2023

Fringe gets Andy Smart tribute show

Raising money for the charity Crisis, a special performance will take place this weekend at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe in memory of and tribute to late comedian Andy Smart.

British Comedy Guide, 8th August 2023

Glasgow International Comedy Festival Closing Gala review

Glasgow's comedy festival has always attracted a wealth of great acts and been a strong showcase for upcoming local comics. But it's arguably never had the defining tentpole events of a festival like Leicester. Or the close, distilled festival spirit of much smaller rivals such as Machynlleth or the Cat Laughs in Kilkenny.

Jay Richardson, Chortle, 3rd April 2023

The Stand to auction off famous cowboy painting

Hosted by The Stand's very own Fred MacAulay, legendary Scottish comedian and one of the company directors, the auction will be a chance for the highest bidder to walk away with the dismounted backdrop and do a whole lot of good in the process.

Bruce Dessau, Beyond The Joke, 26th July 2022

NextUp to stream over 50 Edinburgh comedy shows

Streaming platform NextUp have announced they are to broadcast over 50 shows from the Edinburgh Fringe live to homes nationwide.

British Comedy Guide, 22nd July 2022

Outcry over absence of official Edinburgh Fringe app this year

Comedians and comedy fans alike have expressed their shock and outrage at the news that there will be no official Fringe app this year.

Bruce Dessau, Beyond The Joke, 3rd July 2022

Gilded Balloon announces full Edinburgh Fringe Programme

Britney Spears, mental health, fitness, relationships, disability and sex are just a snippet of themes covered, while hilarious storytelling, music and magic take kids on an unforgettable journey of laughs and self-discovery.

Bruce Dessau, Beyond The Joke, 8th June 2022

Full programme revealed for Fringe By The Sea

The full programme for East Lothian's Fringe By The Sea has been confirmed and takes in music, literature, comedy, science, film and nature.

Bruce Dessau, Beyond The Joke, 2nd June 2022

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