Frank Skinner
- 68 years old
- English
- Actor, writer and stand-up comedian
Press clippings Page 48
Sent to a self-discovery commune in Dorset, Frank Skinner lived with them for five days and then had to perform a stand-up routine about his experiences to the commune members, who were understandably afraid of being mocked.
Showing a kinder side to his nature, Skinner very skilfully won them over while poking gentle fun at their foibles, but mainly mocking his own insecurities. It was attractively warm.
The trouble is that the camera had shown us a screamingly funny tantric sex session in which one screechingly quasi-orgasmic woman "really went for it", according to Frank, who laughed uncontrollably to camera. In his act, this was watered down.
Is his responsibility to the joke, the feelings of his victim or telling the truth?
Stephen Pile, The Telegraph, 16th June 2007