Emma Thompson
- 65 years old
- British
- Actor, writer, producer and executive producer
Video clips
What's Love Got To Do With It? - Trailer
How do you find lasting love in today's world? For documentary-maker and dating app addict Zoe (Lily James), swiping right has only delivered an endless stream of Mr Wrongs, to her eccentric mother Cath's (Emma Thompson) dismay. For Zoe's childhood friend and neighbour Kaz (Shazad Latif), the answer is to follow his parents' example and opt for an arranged (or "assisted") marriage to a bright and beautiful bride from Pakistan...
Good Luck To You, Leo Grande - "I've made a list"
Nancy Stokes is yearning for some adventure...
Good Luck To You, Leo Grande - Trailer
Nancy Stokes, a retired schoolteacher and widow, is yearning for some adventure, some human connection, and some sex.
The Man With His Fingers In His Ears
Two journalists investigate a man who has decided to 'shut it all out'.
Stranger Things sketch for Sport Relief
Sport Relief travel to LA to meet with the cast and crew that bring Stranger Things to life.
The Graham Norton Show - Robert Downey Jr.'s sexually active gay goats
Robert Downey Jr. on his never ending farm animals, including a pair of gay goats.