Eddie Izzard - Stripped: Tout en français
Eddie Izzard performs Stripped in French.
British stand-up comedian Eddie Izzard conquers France with his characteristically absurd, elegant charm and unbridled energy in STRIPPED: TOUT EN FRANCAIS, exclusively available on iTunes.
Showcasing Eddie's masterful skill of switching between subjects - and languages - as he shares his version of the history of humanity in STRIPPED: TOUT EN FRANCAIS, performed entirely in French.
From the Stone Age to the modern-day man, from the origins of language to Wikipedia, from banjos to helicopters and from the creation of Earth to... bananas, we see the world through Eddie's eyes.
Filmed during Eddie's 2013/14 tour, the performance comes with subtitles.
First released: Friday 2nd October 2015
- Distributor: Universal Pictures
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