Dustin Demri-Burns
- 46 years old
- Actor and writer
Video clips
Cardinal Burns - How well do they know each other?
Cardinal Burns spend a lot of time in each other's company. But how much do they really know about each other? To find out, BCG asked Seb and Dustin to play the classic game of Mr & Mrs.
Cardinal Burns - Do the Skagwalk
Learn how to walk like a skag and be the envy of all your friends. Do the Skagwalk!
Cardinal Burns interview
Cardinal Burns talk about their new live tour. Dustin think's he's given a boring answer, but Seb perks him up.
Cardinal Burns - Baby Steps
It's always to good offer a hand...
Cardinal Burns - Ooh Cake
Don't eat office cake.
Cardinal Burns - Young Dreams meet tramps
The Young Girls trio offer to help out at a homeless kitchen.