British Comedy Guide

Dominic Maxwell

  • Journalist

Press clippings Page 22

Comedy review: Katherine Ryan at Alban Arena, St Albans

Ryan is the real thing, but she just needs to leave her comfort zone of smiling abrasiveness to take this enjoyable hour from good to great.

Dominic Maxwell, The Times, 20th November 2017

Comedy review: Tim Key: Megadate at Soho Theatre, W1

I have never enjoyed myself in a comedy show more than in this adjective-defyingly unusual mixture of genres.

Dominic Maxwell, The Times, 17th October 2017

Comedy review: Nick Helm at Winchester Discovery Centre

His story of painful sex acts with an old college friend is so hilariously grim and vivid, so exuberantly relayed, that you believe every awful word.

Dominic Maxwell, The Times, 11th October 2017

Comedy review: Milton Jones at the Hawth, Crawley

His ruminative air can work against the build-up of momentum that would make for a great evening rather than great moments.

Dominic Maxwell, The Times, 9th October 2017

Comedy review: Simon Amstell

Propelled in equal parts by real jokes and a real sense of emotional unburdening, this was an uplifting, effortlessly entertaining hour.

Dominic Maxwell, The Times, 25th September 2017

Comedy review: John Kearns at the Soho Theatre, W1

His disguised face and ramped-up voice gives him licence to mix up comic vehemence and melancholy, yet the mask is often frustrating.

Dominic Maxwell, The Times, 19th September 2017

The Edinburgh Comedy Awards: Sophie Willan

Nominee Sophie Willan makes serious, nuanced points, yet keeps the mood buoyant.

Dominic Maxwell, The Times, 26th August 2017

Why Fringe comics don't care about May, Trump & Brexit

In a sweaty Edinburgh cellar a bearded young comedian is telling us about the joys of deciding to stop being left-wing for a while. It is, we assume,
a joke. After all, the comedian concerned, Fin Taylor, spent his previous Edinburgh hour, Whitey McWhiteface, lecturing us about the woes of white privilege, albeit while owning up to being one of its beneficiaries. This is just another ironic pose, right, the precursor to some dismissive material about the usual baddies - Brexit, May and Trump?

Dominic Maxwell, The Times, 25th August 2017

Craig Quartermaine and Brendon Burns interview

A unique pair of comics have picked the Fringe for a pioneering show, says Dominic Maxwell.

Dominic Maxwell, The Times, 29th July 2017

Comedy review: Daniel Kitson at the Roundhouse, NW1

The bumblingly bearded comedian explores the limits of stand-up in a show that's playful, profound and at times overreaches itself.

Dominic Maxwell, The Times, 13th July 2017

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