Dominic Frisby
- 55 years old
- Actor, writer, stand-up comedian, producer and director
Video clips
Passive Aggressive Hip Hop
People say hip hop's aggressive, But have you ever heard passive aggressive hip hop?
Maybe - a song by Dominic Frisby
There are 2 sides to everything... Dominic Frisby has some perhaps controversial views... including that Donald Trump is not that bad after all!
Dominic Frisby: Two Black Eyes
A song about why it isn't a good idea to mention Brexit.
Dominic Frisby's Hate Speech
Sometimes you find yourself with an opinion ... That's all it is, a point of view ...
Dominic Frisby: Keyboard Warrior
A song from Dominic Frisby's Libertarian Love Songs album.
Dominic Frisby - A Song About Brexit
Dominic Frisby sings a song about what 17 million people in the UK said.