Dom Hodgson
Video clips
Prequel, Sequel, Requel - Frozen
You won't forget about this in a hurry! The classic John Hughes film is next on our list.
Prequel, Sequel, Requel - Robin Hood Prince of Thieves
Why a spoon cousin? That's right - it's time to welcome the geographically daft version of the Sherwood outlaw!
Prequel, Sequel, Requel - Bedknobs and Broomsticks
Our first Disney episode deals with the magical classic.
Prequel, Sequel, Requel - Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Dick Van Dyke gets a reboot in this episode which contains a few strange prequels dealing with minor characters.
Prequel, Sequel, Requel - E.T. The Extra Terrestrial
Ouch! It's time to tackle Spielberg's masterpiece! Suggestions for sequels include an E.T. musical - complete with track listing!
Prequel, Sequel, Requel - The Goonies
Hey you guys! Join us as we delve deep into The Goonies and think of a sequel that's badly needed.