Hi Dave. Who are you and what do you do in comedy?
I'm Dave Bibby and I do a bit of everything in comedy.
Tell us about how you first became involved in the comedy world.
I did a degree in performing arts and graduated in black and white. I specifically chose the course because in year 3 we got to do stand up comedy. I did it, it went really well and I promptly decided to never do it again for several years. I focused mainly on my acting then I dabbled again with stand up around 2011, joined sketch group Lead Pencil in 2013 and eventually plucked up the courage to go solo in 2017 - a full 11 years after that first university gig!
Tell us about your comedy favourites.
As a child I was a comedy nerd without knowing it. I used to watch episodes of Cheers every night along with Tommy Cooper, The Two Ronnies and Eric and Ernie - all shows filmed and packed with references from before I was born. I also grew up on a lot of Black American comedy like DefJam.
My heroes growing up were people like Rik Mayall, Lee Evans, Ronnie Barker, Eric Morecambe, Kathy Burke, Richard Pryor, Jim Carrey, Paul Whitehouse - capable of big bold characters but also subtlety in performance when required.
The Office is my favourite sitcom of all time and I admire Ricky Gervais for that so much, it's also not lost on me that he finally got the opportunity to make that script after a few years knocking about in the comedy world.
My ultimate hero is Robin Williams.
The comedy industry is competitive. Why should people pick you to work with?
Well there's those awards I guess? But I've made a living from performing for over 10 years. I occasionally do other things but I'm very proud to say I have made a living from making people laugh. Have that part-timers!
What's the best advice you've ever been given, read or heard?
If you cannot get used to the fact that the industry is unfair you you will not last. Yes someone related to someone famous will get more opportunities than you, that's just how it is. Work harder.
Where would you like to be in 10 years' time?
Specifically known for a sitcom role - not just "oh he's that guy from that thing" but mentioned in the same way David Jason or Ricky Gervais are for iconic sitcom roles. I realise this is a long shot but you asked!
If you ever get free time, how do you spend it?
Watching football and/ or changing nappies (I have a baby not a weird fetish)
If a genie offered you one wish, what would you ask for?
To be able to sing like Elvis
Published: Friday 20th November 2020