Darren Walsh (I)
- Actor and stand-up comedian
Darren Walsh features
Edinburgh rules
Monday 12th August 2019
Many performers set themselves Edinburgh rules, like not drinking for the month. We asked this year's Fringers what theirs are.
Nightmare audience members
Saturday 10th August 2019
We asked performers going to the Fringe who they would least like to see in the audience of their show...
Top jokes at the Edinburgh Fringe 2018
Monday 20th August 2018
Adam Rowe has won the Joke Of The Fringe 2018 award with the gag 'Working at the JobCentre has to be a tense job - knowing that if you get fired, you still have to come in the next day.' Read the top 10 here.
Fringe Q&A: Weird dreams
Thursday 9th August 2018
What do performers dream about when they go to bed. We asked some comedians 'What's the weirdest dream you've ever had?'.
Fringe Q&A: The worst thing you've done at a festival?
Sunday 5th August 2018
We asked some of the people who are performing shows at the Edinburgh Fringe what the worst thing they've ever done at a festival is. Brace yourself for some of these answers....
Fringe Q&A: What do your parents think?
Monday 30th July 2018
We asked some of the comedians heading up to the Fringe how many times their parents have seen them perform. Some acts have very supportive mums and dads it would appear... but not everyone in this list can say that.
Fringe Q&A: Comedians share jokes from their shows
Friday 27th July 2018
We asked some of the comedians heading to the Edinburgh Festival to share their favourite joke from their show with us. Have a read...
Fringe Q&A: What are you putting in your suitcase?
Thursday 26th July 2018
A hazmat suit, a horse's head, a Mr Miyagi doll, five kilos of dried super-long spaghetti, and Immodium - just some of the things that comedians are putting in their suitcases ahead of getting on planes and trains bound for the Edinburgh Festival.
Darren Walsh: 10 Edinburgh Fringe questions
Tuesday 23rd August 2016
Darren Walsh answers 10 questions about his 2016 Edinburgh Fringe show.
Festival news and trivia
Sunday 14th August 2016
From dodgy show promotion to a hipster invasion... we have the latest from the Edinburgh Fringe, including news of an injury, an arrest and a 'marriage'.
Darren Walsh writes some Star Wars jokes
Friday 18th December 2015
Some Star Wars gags from prolific joke writer Darren Walsh. 'I ate a newspaper article about a Wookiee who had recently deceased... It's was a bit Chewy.'
Top 10 jokes at the Edinburgh Fringe 2015
Tuesday 25th August 2015
A joke about mobile phones, written by comedian Darren Walsh, has been named the best joke of the 2015 Edinburgh Festival in Dave's Joke Of The Fringe competition. Read the top 10 here.
Darren Walsh answers 10 Edinburgh Fringe Questions
Friday 21st August 2015
Darren Walsh is filled with puns. As he explains, if you see him in the street in Edinburgh you can ask for one.
Darren Walsh puns on names of 180+ Fringe comedians
Wednesday 12th August 2015
Darren Walsh has created puns for over 180 of the comedians performing at the 2015 Edinburgh Fringe. Have a read of them here...
Cheep Laughs - Valentines Puns
Saturday 14th February 2015
Some pun-based jokes for Valentine's Day from comedian Darren Walsh. Plus some additional themed cartoon illustrations too.
Cheep Laughs - Christmas Puns
Friday 19th December 2014
UK Pun Champion Darren Walsh has written us some festive jokes...
10 Halloween Puns
Friday 31st October 2014
10 Halloween-based puns from Darren Walsh, the UK's pun champion. He has a new joke book out called Cheep Laughs.