Charlie Brooker
- 54 years old
- English
- Writer, executive producer, presenter, satirist and producer
Press clippings Page 53
It's a sad state of affairs when one-joke series like this [Directors Commentary] and Monkey Dust get hailed as 'comic genius' simply on account of feeling vaguely 'new' (as opposed to, y'know, 'funny').
Charlie Brooker, The Guardian, 14th February 2004Being more 'daft' than 'dark' (good news for anyone who enjoys laughing at jokes), [and] containing admirably stupid performances and hilariously baffling visual asides, Catterick is the most promising new series so far this year.
Charlie Brooker, The Guardian, 14th February 2004None of which is to say Shameless isn't really, really good - because it is - but if you approach it expecting something akin to a council estate version of Teachers, as opposed to a work of life-altering resonance, you've less chance of walking away disappointed.
Charlie Brooker, The Guardian, 17th January 2004It's clearly time to put Norton to bed now. Sure, he'd be a great dinner-party guest - but would you want him in your house every sodding night of the week?
Charlie Brooker, The Guardian, 14th June 2003The latter [3 Non-Blondes] is a female Trigger Happy TV with a rather dispiriting reliance on pussy jokes. If they can ditch the lame shock tactics and concentrate on the good-natured absurdities (such as the skit in which a street altercation turns into a dance routine), there'll be a better show at the end of it.
Charlie Brooker, The Guardian, 8th February 2003On the other hand, if the series is anything to go by, the book was worth the effort, because this has "Expensive Quality Programme" stamped all over it. If anything, it's a little too aware of its own importance; the direction only just manages to stay the right side of flashy, and some of the jokes seem a little too pleased with their own drollness.
Charlie Brooker, The Guardian, 14th September 2002Most home movies are excruciatingly dull, but Sellers' aren't, partly because the subject himself was such an enigmatic figure (and it's always interesting to watch an enigma kicking off its shoes and arsing about), and partly because the surrounding acquaintances he shot are more interesting than yer average person's Uncle David.
Charlie Brooker, The Guardian, 24th August 2002Peter Kay's Phoenix Nights has returned for a second series, so if like me you missed the first one, but heard lots of people banging on about how great it was, this is your chance to join in the fun. And here's the good news: they were right. It's fantastic.
Charlie Brooker, The Guardian, 3rd August 2002On to Believe Nothing (ITV1), Rik Mayall's new vehicle (and I'll leave a pause here for you to insert the quad-bike/vehicle joke of your choosing), which I rather enjoyed, even though (judging by episode one) it's not particularly funny. It's heartening to see a new, mainstream sitcom so completely hell-bent on being just plain silly.
Charlie Brooker, The Guardian, 13th July 2002The big TV event of the week is the return of Auf Wiedersehen, Pet (BBC1), something I'm unqualified to comment on with any degree of authority, having been too young to appreciate the original ITV series, which at the time seemed to consist entirely of slightly frightening men standing in a Portakabin, bellowing at one another in a dialect I didn't understand.
Charlie Brooker, The Guardian, 27th April 2002