Bruce Dessau
- Journalist and reviewer
Press clippings Page 258
Latitude review: David O'Doherty
The decision to have David O'Doherty close the comedy tent on Saturday night was an interesting one.
Bruce Dessau, Beyond The Joke, 19th July 2015Latitude review: Marcus Brigstocke
Marcus Brigstocke is probably the perfect Latitude comedian, completely in tune with the middle class audience's dreams, aspirations and frustrations.
Bruce Dessau, Beyond The Joke, 19th July 2015Latitude review: Sara Pascoe
She might have been on in the middle of the afternoon rather than headlining, but a roar went up when Sara Pascoe was introduced.
Bruce Dessau, Beyond The Joke, 19th July 2015Rarely asked questions - Sofie Hagen
I didn't realise how much reviews could hurt until Sofie Hagen reviewed me.
Bruce Dessau, Beyond The Joke, 18th July 2015Edinburgh preview: New Jewish Jokes
I've got a confesion to make. When I saw Ivor Dembina in Edinburgh a couple of years ago I nominated him for A Dave Award. Not for the Best Joke of the Fringe but for the Worst Joke of the Fringe.
Bruce Dessau, Beyond The Joke, 18th July 2015Latitude review: Jon Richardson
I don't usually like giving away stories but it doesn't really matter with Richardson as the beauty really is in the telling.
Bruce Dessau, Beyond The Joke, 18th July 2015Latitude review: Tim Key
In the absence of Daniel Kitson the coolest comedian at this year's festival is Tim Key.
Bruce Dessau, Beyond The Joke, 18th July 2015Latitude review: Russell Kane
Russell Kane said that comedians aren't supposed to do Latitude two years in a row but he loves it so much he begged the organisers to let him come back this year. Good call.
Bruce Dessau, Beyond The Joke, 18th July 2015Edinburgh preview: Jonny & The Baptists
Maybe satire does work a bit after all. Perhaps Jonny & The Baptists' persistent UKIP-bashing played its part in the fact that Nigel Farage didn't sweep to victory in the General Election. Or maybe not.
Bruce Dessau, Beyond The Joke, 17th July 2015Interview: rarely asked questions - Michael Legge
Irishman Michael Legge is a riddle trapped inside an engima. Or something.
Bruce Dessau, Beyond The Joke, 17th July 2015