Bruce Dessau
- Journalist and reviewer
Press clippings Page 224
Rarely asked questions - Scott Agnew
I've Snapped My Banjo String, Let's Just Talk is a snapshot of hardcore, working-class gay life, touching on mental health, sexual health, and general misadventure.
Bruce Dessau, Beyond The Joke, 12th August 2016Rarely asked questions - Sam Fletcher
If you like your comedy quirky and lo-fi Sam Fletcher is your man. In the past the Edinburgh Comedy Awards Best Newcomer nominee and CBBC star has mixed (sort of) magic tricks with David Shrigleyish illustrations and crackpot inventions that would quickly get him thrown off of Dragon's Den. Which would be human giant Peter Jones and that lemon-faced woman's loss. Fletcher is back in Edinburgh with a new show to amuse and amaze his fans. Read his jolly answers and go and see his jolly funny show.
Bruce Dessau, Beyond The Joke, 12th August 2016Film review: Life on the Road
In terms of comedy it is in decent working order.
Bruce Dessau, Beyond The Joke, 11th August 2016Rarely asked questions - Diane Spencer
Diane Spencer's last show was partly about how she ended up working with Nancy Dell'Olio. She is a bit smutty and very funny. Spencer that is, not Nancy Dell'Olio. Spencer recently got married so expect that to get a mention in her latest show Seamless. Read this honest interview to find out more and then go and buy a ticket.
Bruce Dessau, Beyond The Joke, 11th August 2016Spoof poster running for best Fringe poster award
The spoof poster advertising Nathan Cassidy's fictional 2017 UK Arena tour is in the running for the Edinburgh Fringe's Best Poster Award.
Bruce Dessau, Beyond The Joke, 11th August 2016Spoof poster claims small comic is big arena star
Comedian Nathan Cassidy has come up with one of the best publicity stunts so far at this year's Edinburgh Fringe Festival.
Bruce Dessau, Beyond The Joke, 10th August 2016Rarely asked questions - Ayesha Hazarika
Ayesha Hazarika spent eight years as political adviser to Harriet Harman and Ed Miliband, but before that she had been a stand-up comedian. For reasons which or may not be obvious she is now doing stand-up again more regularly. In her new show Hazarika draws on her experiences around Westminster to ask where did it all go wrong for Labour, where are the women and how on earth did a hard-core feminist end up touring the country in a pink bus?
Bruce Dessau, Beyond The Joke, 10th August 2016Rarely asked questions - Steve Bugeja
Steve Bugeja won the BBC New Comedy Award in 2013 with a strikingly nerdy high energy set. Despite his ongoing success he is as neurotic as ever, which is handy as it is one of the many things that makes him so funny. In his new show Unpronounceable Bugeja airs his various angsty concerns and in particlar his frustration that people tend to pronounce his surname wrong. Steve, I feel your pain. But don't worry, when you are a household name people will know how to say it.
Bruce Dessau, Beyond The Joke, 9th August 2016Rarely asked questions - Kiri Pritchard-McLean
This is Kiri Pritchard-McLean's debut hour, but she is no Fringe newbie. She is a non-performing writer/director for acclaimed sketch group Geins' Family Giftshop and knows comedy inside out. In Hysterical Woman the Chortle Award-nominated comedian tackles genetics, gender, race and being a comedian who happens to be a woman. She is a smart cookie with a warped streak and plenty of opinions. And a very funny smart cookie too.
Bruce Dessau, Beyond The Joke, 8th August 2016Darren Walsh cancels gig after bike incident
Rising star of the one-liner scene Darren Walsh had to cancel his latest show S'Pun at the Pleasance Courtyard on Monday night due to injuring his arm by falling off his bike.
Bruce Dessau, Chortle, 8th August 2016