Brian Logan
- Journalist and reviewer
Press clippings Page 27
Adam Kay: This Is Going to Hurt review
London's theatre district reopened its doors to stage an evening of well-aimed wrath that somehow finds comedy in kidney surgery.
Brian Logan, The Guardian, 23rd October 2020The Yes Queens review
Audience participation at arm's length via screen happily injects some welcome randomness into this six-person improvised sketch show.
Brian Logan, The Guardian, 19th October 2020Frank Skinner's terrific guide to poetry
The comedian's new podcast is bursting with enthusiasm for poems. If stand-up forces him to be funny, here he forces himself to be true.
Brian Logan, The Guardian, 6th October 2020Flamboyant drag on a laptop? It cramps cabaret's style
Britain's Got Talent star Myra Dubois turns agony aunt in a show that might raise the roof in a theatre - but not online.
Brian Logan, The Guardian, 1st October 2020Greenwich Comedy festival review
Sara Pascoe, Rich Hall and Aisling Bea warm to an excited crowd - and a divine heckler - in the chilly outdoors.
Brian Logan, The Guardian, 28th September 2020Michael McIntyre: Showman review
The horizons may be narrow in the British stand-up's special but nobody does this sort of material better.
Brian Logan, The Guardian, 15th September 2020Shedinburgh mows down the fringe
With the Edinburgh festival shelved by Covid, stand-ups have turned a garden shed into a stage for an online extravaganza. Brian Logan enjoys flashes of brilliance amid a dislocating experience.
Brian Logan, The Guardian, 4th September 2020Stand-up Under the Stars review
Bridget Christie pokes fun at Madonna, Suzi Ruffell talks smear tests and John Robins is heckled about Butlins. Our critic Brian Logan's first stand-up gig in months is a riot of joy and tension.
Brian Logan, The Guardian, 3rd September 2020Edinburgh Unlocked review
A carnival of comedy from the festival that never was.
Brian Logan, The Guardian, 23rd August 2020Review: Kim Noble's podcast
There are secret recordings, spoof calls and cringing reflections in the performance artist's attempts to find meaning in life in Futile Attempts (At Surviving Tomorrow)
Brian Logan, The Guardian, 17th August 2020