Blondey McCoy
- Writer
Video clips
The Blondey Way - The Face of Disaster
Jack keeps an eye on Janine torching Blondey's personal fucking fireplace.
The Blondey Way - An Act of God & Then Some
Blondey, having so far failed to legitimise the Trumeau walnut chimneypiece as a business expense, takes a money job in the Tabernas Desert.
The Blondey Way - Beeline for Galahad
Episode Four, in which the bubble tea hits the head - or may as well.
The Blondey Way - The Cleverness of Me
Life On Earth gets the green light, but there are still some Pedro and Janine-shaped details to iron out...
The Blondey Way - The Cook, the Other Cook, & the Broth
Head of Youth at BBC Three - Philippa's actual title - resolves to take a chance on Blondey, but not without a caveat in co-writer Janine.
The Blondey Way - Hell is Other Parents
After meeting the right people whilst judging a streetwear-based competition on BBC Three, professional skateboarder and designer Blondey considers himself in with a chance of realising his childhood dream and creating a comedy show.