Andy Parsons
- 57 years old
- English
- Stand-up comedian and writer
Video clips
Mock The Week - Things You Don't Want To Hear at Christmas
A special preview clip of the 2008 Christmas show, with a festive 'scenes we'd like to see' round.
Mock The Week - Mock the Outtakes
Cock-ups and behind-the-scenes moments from the sixth series of Mock The Week
Mock The Week - Travel Documentaries
Things You Wouldn't Hear in a Travel Documentary
Mock The Week - Things You Wouldn't Hear at the Olympics
The team contemplate some things you wouldn't hear at the Olympics.
Mock The Week - Things You Wouldn't Hear on Songs of Praise
Scenes We'd Like To See - Things You Wouldn't Hear on Songs of Praise. Frankie Boyle's first line is ace.
Mock The Week - Changing the atmosphere at a dinner party
Hugh Dennis, Frankie Boyle, Andy Parsons, Russell Howard and Ed Byrne suggest 'things that would change the atmosphere at a dinner party'.