Andy Parsons
- 57 years old
- English
- Stand-up comedian and writer
Video clips
Mock The Week - Unlikely Lines From A Thriller
The team present lines that you probably won't hear in the next James Bond film.
Mock The Week - Unlikely Things To Hear On A Consumer Programme
The panel come up with thing that you won't hear on Watchdog.
Mock The Week - Things A Sports Commentator Would Never Say
"Scenes we'd like to see" looks at sports commentators.
Mock The Week - Deleted Lines From A Fantasy Film
A selection of scenes we'd like to see concerning fantasy films.
Mock The Week - Worrying Flatmate
Things You Don't Want To Hear From Your Flatmate.
Mock The Week - Unlikely Things to Read on a Packet
An edition of "Scenes We'd Like to See" featuring guests Rhod Gilbert and Tom Stade.