Andy Parsons
- 57 years old
- English
- Stand-up comedian and writer
Video clips
Mock The Week - Rejected questions from this year's exams
The comedians think of 'Rejected questions from this year's exams'.
Mock The Week - Things You Didn't Hear at the Queen's Jubilee
Here's some things that weren't said during the Queen's Jubilee.
Mock The Week - Things You Won't Hear At The Olympics
Dara's guests Chris Addison, Hugh Dennis, Andy Parsons, Josh Widdicombe, Milton Jones and Miles Jupp, think of 'Things You Won't Hear At The Olympics'.
Mock The Week - Unlikely Things To Read In A Children's Book
Dara's guests Chris Addison, Hugh Dennis, Andy Parsons, Josh Widdicombe, Milton Jones and Miles Jupp think of 'Unlikely Things To Read In A Children's Book'.
Mock The Week - Unlikely Things To Hear At Wimbledon
Tennis is the topic as the comedians offer up some 'Unlikely Things To Hear At Wimbledon'.
Mock The Week - Things You Wouldn't Hear On A Consumer Programme
The comics offer up suggestions for Things You Wouldn't Hear On A Consumer Programme.