Amelia Stephenson
- Actor, writer and producer
Video clips
What do you want for Christmas?
The ballad of the bad gift giver, by Quirks & Foibles.
A lady's guide to fine dining
A simple easy to follow guide to fine dinner etiquette.
How to Swoon
An invaluable asset in a regency heroine's arsenal: The Swoon.
A lady's guide to flirtation
Are you a shrinking wallflower? Are you too timid to talk to your amore? Are you a baby that has been put in the corner? Follow this 5 step comprehensive guide and your snag your perfect match in no time!
A Haunting Mous-take
Hercule Poirot, the 'little man with enormous moustaches' returns to another Quirks & Foibles parody... but will he catch the killer before it's too late.
Happy Birthday Julius Caesar
It's 15th March 44BC and it's Caesar's birthday...