Press clippings
Alice Lowe on budget movies, gore effects, David Lynch and Rogue Trooper
Making films is a tough old, blood-soaked game.
Andrew Williams, ShortList, 25th February 2025Timestalker review
The release of a new Alice Lowe film is a cause for celebration.
Philip Caveney, Bouquets & Brickbats, 14th October 2024Timestalker review
Prevenge director Alice Lowe's second feature is a time-travelling hoot.
Francesca Steele, i Newspaper, 11th October 2024Alice Lowe on 'Timestalker' and what women rue through the ages
The writer, director, and star inserts herself into the history of love.
Justine Elias, The Arts Desk, 11th October 2024Timestalker review
Alice Lowe's anti-romcom is a darkly hilarious spin through history.
Peter Bradshaw, The Guardian, 10th October 2024Timestalker review
Digging deep into how love makes fools of us all.
Graeme Virtue, The Big Issue, 10th October 2024Timestalker review
Oddball comedy of reincarnation from Alice Lowe.
Jonathan Romney, The Financial Times, 10th October 2024Timestalker review
Timestalker is the saucy, grizzly anti-romance British cinema needs.
Victoria Luxford, City AM, 10th October 2024Timestalker review
Visually dynamic and admirably off-kilter, Alice Lowe achieves a cinematic triumph as writer-director-actor on an era-hopping black comedy.
Emma Simmonds, The List, 9th October 2024Timestalker review
Alice Lowe's Timestalker takes us on a journey through time for a reincarnation rom-com about a woman falling for the wrong guy.
Daniel Allen, Loud and Clear, 7th October 2024