British Comedy Guide

Press clippings Page 2

Why the Counting House is now free from ballooning fees

"My understanding," I said to Alex Petty, "is that the bar did not take as much money under the Gilded Balloon at last year's Fringe as it had at previous Fringes under the Free Festival. And the Gilded Balloon did not take as much money from the shows as they expected."

John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 13th January 2017

Fringe's free festivals as seen by Alex Petty

There are two types of venues in Edinburgh. There are the traditional 'pay' venues. That means audiences pay in advance to see the shows and the performers pay large amounts to rent the rooms and facilities. But there are now four organisations hosting 'free' shows. That means entry is free (though you are expected to donate money on the way out) and the performers pay nothing to perform in the venue.

Alex Petty, John Fleming's Blog, 28th July 2014

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