Alex Horne
- 46 years old
- English
- Writer, producer, musical comedian, composer and actor
Video clips
Taskmaster - Create the best jingle
Find someone who loves you like Guz loves this electronic drum kit.
Taskmaster - Alex Horne interviews Morgana Robinson with a very annoying song
Alex interrogates Morgana with a song that I think we can all agree, it's nice to see the back of.
Taskmaster - The dog toy task
If you thought Greg was cute but hard to please, meet Marco.
Taskmaster - Alex interviews Guz Khan with an annoying song
Guz Khan spits some delicious rhymes during Alex's now pretty excruciating interview song.
Taskmaster - Stop Alex scoring a goal
The contestants must prevent Alex scoring a goal for as long as possible.
Taskmaster - Loads of balls
Don't ever say Alex doesn't put his body on the line for the good of the task. Ow.