Video clips
QI - Bill Bailey turns the camera off
Stephen Fry insists Bill Bailey clap twice to turn the cameras back on.
QI - Tippe Tops and Rattlebacks
Stephen demonstrates a spinning top that turns upside down called a tippe top and a spinning strip of plastic called a rattleback that always goes back to spinning in one direction.
QI - Measure aggression with cute kittens and bubble wrap
The panel measure their aggression by popping bubble wrap whilst looking at cute animals.
QI - Let's test your beer goggles
The panel try out some optical illusions.
QI - Pouring a liquid uphill
Stephen pours polyethylene oxide uphill under ultraviolet light.
QI - The Bend Sinister
The panellists chat about the 'bend sinister' on a coat of arms being a reference to illegitimate birth.