Ade Oyefeso
- Actor
Video clips
Gap Year - Armed Policeman
Greg goes to a business meeting dressed as an armed policeman, but ends up terrifying his client.
Gap Year - Bad News
Ashley gets some bad new about her scholarship and decides to party hard whilst in Malaysia!
Gap Year - Blow Dart
The gang get lost in the rainforest as Greg is becoming delirious after being bitten, and a blow dart to the arm certainly doesn't calm his state-of-mind!
Gap Year - Trying To Buy Drugs
The gang are excited about the Full Moon Party, and they try to buy drugs in preparation for a crazy night.
Gap Year - Free hotel room plan
Dylan tries to blag his way into getting a swanky free hotel room.
Gap Year - When casual sex gets too weird
Sean is travelling with a newly-wed couple Eugene and Kendra, and things get a little too weird for him...