British Comedy Guide
Adam Bloom
Adam Bloom

Adam Bloom

  • 54 years old
  • British
  • Actor, writer and stand-up comedian

Press clippings

More names join the 2024 Chortle Comedy Book Festival

...from Carry On films to tips on writing stand-up and more.

Chortle, 16th February 2024

Book: Finding Your Comic Genius: An In-Depth Guide To The Art Of Stand-Up Comedy by Adam Bloom

It's worth adding that as well as being an essential guide for anyone who fancies being a stand-up (and for anyone who is starting out as a stand-up and also for quite a lot of established stand-ups) Bloom's book is funny too.

Bruce Dessau, Beyond The Joke, 28th September 2023

Finding Your Comic Genius by Adam Bloom review

Chances are that when you're watching a comedian in full flow, you won't be thinking about see-saws, balloons, balls and cubes. But those are the kinds of analogies stand-up Adam Bloom deploys the latest contribution to the vast litany of 'how to' books on the topic of comedy.

Steve Bennett, Chortle, 19th September 2023

Canine comedy joins the line-up of Dogstival

Brand new for 2022 and kicking off the celebration vibes is Stand-Up Canine Comedy with the Barking Mad Comedy Club, from midday each day.

Bruce Dessau, Beyond The Joke, 29th April 2022

Adam Bloom: Americans love winners, Brits love losers

A few years ago I was backstage at the Comedy Store in London. A visiting full-time American comedian was doing a guest spot. He handed a small piece of card to the MC with some writing on it and said 'Do you get any of these shows over here?' He was basically asking her to big him up in his intro. She shook her head and said 'We don't do that over here'. What the visiting comedian didn't realise was that she was doing him a favour. British comedians don't ask MCs to list all their TV credits before bringing them to the stage because it actually works against them.

Adam Bloom, Chortle, 16th March 2021

Tribute to be organised for Arnold Brown

A star-studded line-up of comedy stars are to celebrate alternative stand-up legend's Arnold Brown's 80th birthday next month.

Chortle, 14th October 2016

The 1996 Edinburgh Fringe

Clearing out this week, I unearthed the 1996 Edinburgh Fringe programme and some flyers So for no other reason than nostalgia, here's how the festival has changed in 20 years.

Steve Bennett, Chortle, 21st September 2016

Adam Bloom interview

"It's beautiful being a comic's comedian".

Imogen Blake, Ham & High, 10th May 2016

Adam Bloom in the hot seat

Adam Bloom is halfway through his sixth Middle Eastern tour. He answers some questions here.

Robert Garratt, Time Out, 11th August 2014

Adam Bloom - how I write

First up in London is Funny's new series of blogs about how comics write comedy is ... mischievous motormouth Adam Bloom, one of the circuit's cast-iron headliners.

Adam Bloom, London Is Funny, 9th October 2013

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