Press clippings Page 3
BWW Q&A- Abigoliah Schamaun
Abigoliah Schamaun interview.
Natalie O'Donoghue, Broadway World, 14th July 2017Abigoliah Schamaun discusses her new show
Abigoliah Schamaun talks about how we can achieve balance as she discusses her show Namaste, Bitches and her search to find harmony between her life as a health-obsessed yoga teacher and her love of hard-living.
Female First, 5th July 2017Interview: rarely asked questions - Abigoliah Schamaun
Abigoliah Schamaun's latest show, Namaste, Bitches, straddles stand-up and storytelling.
Bruce Dessau, Beyond The Joke, 4th July 2017Camden Comedy Club birthday gig review
Free burgers, prosecco, ice cream and, of course, birthday cake were dished out to create a party spirit... though it was barely needed: the audience on a mundane Tuesday night was as bawdy as many a weekend club.
Steve Bennett, Chortle, 26th October 2016One man's day at the Edinburgh Fringe
Mark, a man of mystery who runs the British Comedy Guide website, had sent me a piece about Abigoliah Schamaun, who has been plastering fake review quotes and stars on her show posters. He suggested she might be a worthy Malcolm Hardee Cunning Stunt Award nominee.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 11th August 2015Ten things performers say after sex
Abigoliah Schamaun spills some bedroom secrets.
Abigoliah Schamaun, Chortle, 11th August 2015How does Abigoliah Schamaun have so many good reviews?
The festival has only just started, but Abigoliah Schamaun's posters are somehow already plastered with good reviews. Mmm...
British Comedy Guide, 9th August 20155 things I've learned at the Fringe: Abigoliah Schamaun (Link expired)
Some tough love for the sensitive performer...
Abigoliah Schamaun, WOW247, 4th August 2015Intreview: Abigoliah Schamaun - Post Coital Confessions
'All Americans remember where they were the day they heard that Trevor Noah would take over The Daily Show'
Brian Donaldson, The List, 16th June 2015How to talk dirty and influence people
"She looks for jokes in places where Frankie Boyle fears to tread" said The Skinny of Abigoliah Schamaun. But if you think shock comedy is the easy way out, think again. Schamaun reckons "dirty" is far from easy...
Abigoliah Schamaun, ThreeWeeks, 14th August 2014