Online comedy videos Page 89
Comedy Central Live - Peter Rethinasamy
5 mins, 10 secs
Belfast born Peter Rethinasamy takes a look at family life with his Asian Dad, taking his granny to church and day tripping with his nephew.
Couple fight over last chocolate
2 mins, 37 secs
When you're down to the last Malteaser and have to decide who you love more, your partner or chocolate...
East Mode With Nigel Ng - Reincarnation Department
3 mins, 24 secs
After Nigel's 4,971th time being reincarnated, he wants another chance to live life in a different way... or many different ways.
Comedy Central Live - Lara Ricote
4 mins, 59 secs
Lara Ricote on the perks of being partially deaf and her hearing aids getting in on the action.
Women's Underground Secret Spy Club
3 mins, 39 secs
Ever wonder how your friend found out about her cheating ex 0.5 seconds after he told his friend?
Liz Truss makes a statement
2 mins, 9 secs
Foreign Secretary Liz Truss makes a statement about Russia.
East Mode With Nigel Ng - Arranged F**k Buddy
3 mins, 40 secs
Steven's parents are worried about his sex life, well... the lack of it. So as caring, loving and helpful parents, they decide to find him a F--- Buddy!