Online comedy videos Page 64
Captive Audience - Episode Five
11 mins, 56 secs
What happens when you let comedians loose behind the counter of a coffee shop? There are plenty of cringe moments as Fatiha El-Ghorri, Josh Pugh and Aurie Styla attempt to make
unsuspecting members of the public laugh with their pranks in this local coffee shop. There's almond cake bribery, flirting and awkward silences for days.
Community Engagement Scheme
2 mins, 38 secs
A pioneering Befriend the Elderly scheme runs into a few problems.
AI painting by numbers
2 mins, 32 secs
AI can paint better pictures than any human hand. Leonardo, Picasso, Monet... a computer can do what they did, but better. So what is the future for art and artists in the age of AI? It doesn't look good.
Adrian Gray: I'm the new voice of the London Underground
1 mins, 43 secs
"Can't quite believe this has happened. Thought I'd share this special moment with you guys."
Shy comedian attempts to do crowdwork
1 mins, 37 secs
A shy comedian attempts to do a crowdwork reel.
Fin Vs The Internet - Sharon Gaffka
8 mins, 38 secs
Love Island star and campaigner Sharon Gaffka joins Fin Taylor.
Comedy Central Live - Andrew Ryan
5 mins, 23 secs
Andrew Ryan tells Comedy Central Live why Ireland would win a gold medal if funerals were an Olympic sport...
The Sheikh - Football
9 mins, 32 secs
The Sheikh is ready to invest his billions to secure the future of England's football with the help of the beautiful game's finest, including former pro-footballer John Fashanu. What exactly is the price of the England football team?