Online comedy videos Page 478
The Nettle
An animated tale about two snails and a nettle. Also features ants, woodlice and a spider. Created by Gareth Morinan.
The Baby
4 mins, 47 secs
The winner of the £3,000 Short And Funnies competition run by Bad Teeth. Sophie has to listen to best friend Meg's stories about being a mum.
Simon Feilder's Table For One - Episode 1
In his new web series, Simon Feilder explains how there's absolutely nothing wrong with spending way too much time on your own. This time: Simon's guide to walking.
Jason Lewis - Football Manager
Jason Lewis and friends give us an insight to how addicted they are to the computer game Football Manager.
Adam Hess - Happenings
Adam Hess shares some of his one-liners in a visual format.
Barbershopera - No Cubs
Barbershopera parody TLC's No Scrubs. They get the lyrics mixed up and start singing about Cub Scouts instead.
Four Screws Loose - Primark Rap
Four Screws Loose present their song about Primark.
Rachel Parris - Amazing
Rachel Parris was commissioned to write the 'winner's song' for a major reality TV show. Here's the lyrics she came up with.
Novelty Dancing with Carl Donnelly
Let Carl Donnelly teach you and your friends to be kings of the dance floor!
The Day They Came To Suck Out Our Brains! - Trailer
It was the day mankind would never forget. It was the day they came from outer space to suck out our brains. No one was safe!