Online comedy videos Page 42
Comedy Central Live - Alasdair Beckett-King
6 mins, 10 secs
Alasdair Beckett-King discusses very British arguments, working at a fire station and getting cussed about this hair...
Michael: Pears
2 mins, 18 secs
This is Michael, he's just learned how to eat a pear and life will never be the same again.
First world pet problems
2 mins, 11 secs
There are some things a vet just shouldn't have to deal with... a sketch from Restless Natives.
Cyclists to form new master race - Broken News
2 mins, 30 secs
Cyclists have announced they are breaking away from humanity and forming a new master race, with Jeremy Vine as their supreme overlord.
53 secs
The anti-woke kids' show for horrible children. Creator Alasdair Beckett-King says: "Hoping GB News will commission this. Planning to pitch the American version Beefburg to Fox News."
2 mins, 9 secs
An estate agent awaits their next viewing but when they find out their occupation, they can't get rid of them quick enough.
Bitter Pubs - Purgatory
1 mins, 33 secs
A short about what you decide to do after you fall over in the pub.
Comedy Central Live - Erika Ehler
5 mins, 1 secs
Erika Ehler chats obnoxious coffee drinkers, dating with ADHD and why lads should clean their room before sending nudes...
Under The Tweets - Chloe Petts
5 mins, 36 secs
Chloe Petts takes time out from being an incredible stand-up comedian to delve into the history of her tweets, tweeting and Twitter.
Shite in The Sea
4 mins, 1 secs
Ofwat is supposed to regulate Britain's private water companies. It levies extremely affordable fines which mean that it's cheaper to pay the fines than to spend the money required to stop dumping raw sewage.