Online comedy videos Page 411
Michael McIntyre stops show after women falls down stairs
This is how Michael McIntyre dealt with things when an audience member fell down the stairs at the back of his Plymouth gig. Initially the comedian joked about the interuption, but changed his tone when, arriving at the back of the venue, he realised the woman was injured. She was taken to hospital, where it was revealed she has probably fractured her femur. Full Story
Enlarge Corp Marketing
A look in on a meeting which aims to work out why Enlarge Corp is not currently managing to help more men in the downstairs trouser department.
Bad Blood
An epic spoof of Taylor Swift's Bad Blood music video, to highlight that, in the UK, VAT is still charged on sanitary products. Written and performed by Cariad Lloyd and Jenny Bede. Directed by Adam Brown.
TFL Tube Strike Announcement
Here's a message for the tube drivers.
Pavement Rage
Meet a man who doesn't have road rage, but might have a few other rage issues.
Russell Howard on The Tonight Show
Russell Howard appeared on The Tonight Show in America. Here he tells jokes about being an Englishman in America and the pranks he plays on his family.
Stage Of No Importance - Episode 5
After much 'unimportance', the series makes its point.
The History Of The Selfie
2 mins, 23 secs
Meet the man who first invented the selfie (self portrait that is).
Barry versus Superman
Everyone has an annoying best mate. Even Superman.
Stage Of No Importance - Episode 4
Man got a bit carried away with the story of God!