Online comedy videos Page 40
When AI is too good to be true
3 mins, 32 secs
Sure, AI could make you a fortune, but then what happens?
The latest blockbuster
1 mins, 54 secs
One of Europe's greatest film directors promotes the launch of his hotly anticipated blockbuster art house movie. Years in the making, with never seen before green screen cutting edge special effects, this movie is destined to be a classic and is not to be missed.
UK Government cleared of corruption - Broken News
1 mins, 57 secs
A far-reaching report issued by the UK Government on whether there is corruption at the heart of UK Government has found there isn't.
Looking after the shop
3 mins, 45 secs
Lewis and Pierce are asked to look after a shop for just five minutes... and then hell breaks loose.
Rejected Bake Off contestants
1 mins, 59 secs
You only see the bakers that make it onto the show. Here are the weirdos who were rejected from The Great British Bake Off.
Bitter Pubs - The Last Ashtray
1 mins, 49 secs
The Last Ashtray is about a landlady who decides to keep all the ashtrays after the smoking ban and their fate from that point.
BrassNeck Parfum by Liz Truss
1 mins, 23 secs
Try new BrassNeck Eau de Parfum by Liz Truss or do as Kwasi Kwarteng does and use BrassNeck Pour Homme - c'est merveilleux! It doesn't matter you nearly trashed the economy in 2022, there are still plenty of idiots who will support you.