Online comedy videos Page 395
What's new for Apple 2017?
1 mins, 42 secs
Bevel your edges with the new Apple iCube. A sketch by Victorious Sponge.
Super Cops: Episode 1
When the whole country has Super Powers, you need Super Cops... and a reality TV show to document it! A comedy from the group The Noise Next Door.
The Midnight Beast - Gettin' High
2 mins, 55 secs
Got an appointment, With Puff the magic dragon, There' be only three seats, On the weed wagon.
12 Sketches In A London House - Under-Stairs
It's a great idea to surprise someone on their birthday, they'll love it, thought try not to let your past get in the way.
The Return
1 mins, 26 secs
A parody of the French horror drama TV series Les Revenants. Directed by Tom Rourke and Adam McNicol.
12 Sketches In A London House - Bedroom
The home carer is doing her usual rounds. She just wants to help out, though it looks like might have accidentally signed up to something a little more full on...
Ollie Bristowe is ready for anything his upcoming trip to Africa might throw at him; disease, famine, war, he'll take it in his stride. But when he is thrown together with well-meaning David - whose relentless obsession with biscuits threatens to ruin a day's fund raising - Ollie may well have met his nemesis. Watch the film
The Eccentrics - Kim
4 mins, 34 secs
Ivo Graham meets a prolific user of the airBnB property renting website.
Kids names - WTF?
A sketch from Attic Comedy about what people call their children.